2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
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Dr. William White, Department Head
Phone: (540) 568-6193
Email: whitewl@jmu.edu
Location: Memorial Hall, Room 3126
Website: http://www.jmu.edu/coe/efex/index.shtml
L. Desportes, D. Herr, S. Wasta
Associate Professors
S. Blatz, C.R. Bosch, K. Koubek,
T. Thomas
Assistant Professors
D. Allen-Bronaugh, K. Bethune,
R. Rodriguez, M. Williams
T. Brown, L. Huffman, L. Schick
The Department of Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities offers programs in special education, inclusive education, teaching English to speakers of other languages and gifted education.
Gifted Education
Program Adviser: Gail Collins
Phone: (540) 435-6026
Email: gcollins@harrisonburg.k12.va.us
The Department of Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities offers an add-on endorsement in gifted education at the graduate level only. See the graduate catalog for information.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Coordinator: Dr. Katya Koubek
Phone: (540) 568-6760
Email: koubekex@jmu.edu
The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) program is designed to enable students to complete the TESOL non-licensure minor or the TESOL PK-12 licensure. Both programs prepare students to work effectively in promoting English language acquisition of children and adults who are not native English speakers. These programs also promote development of skills in cross-cultural competence and draw heavily upon theories of linguistics, research on social and cultural variables that influence second language acquisition, and the knowledge required to facilitate second language learning.
Candidates currently enrolled in initial teaching licensure programs may be able to complete the TESOL requirements in conjunction with completing their other preparation program. With careful planning, dual licensure is possible. Candidates interested in dual licensure should consult with the TESOL coordinator and the other program area adviser for more information.
Student Teaching
Candidates must apply to student teach one year prior to their student teaching semester. At that time, students must be fully accepted into teacher education, be admitted unconditionally to graduate school and have a 3.0 graduate GPA.
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