Fall Semester
Fall Semester 2016
August 23-24, Tuesday-Wednesday
Residence halls open for freshmen on assigned days.
Dining Services open on Tuesday, August 23th and fall meal plans begin at 5 p.m. for freshmen.
August 26, Friday
Opening Faculty Meeting
Freshman Assessment Day
Residence halls open for transfer and international students.
August 27, Saturday
Residence halls open for returning students.
August 29, Monday
Classes meet as scheduled.
September 16, Friday
Last day to withdraw from the university with cancellation of tuition charges and refund.
September 30-October 2, Friday-Sunday
Family Weekend
October 14, Friday
Last day to submit an application for a baccalaureate degree if graduation requirements are to be met in May or August 2017.
October 14, Friday
First Block courses end.
October 17, Monday
Second Block courses begin.
October 20, Thursday
Mid-semester grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
October 25, Tuesday
First Block course grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
October 28-30, Friday-Sunday
November 7, Monday
Registration begins for 2017 spring semester.
November 18, Friday
Dining Services closes at 7:30 p.m.
November 19, Saturday
Thanksgiving holiday begins and residence halls close.
November 26, Saturday
Residence halls open. Dining Services open at 4:30 p.m.
November 28, Monday
Classes resume.
November 28, Monday
Last day for students to submit work to faculty for 2016 spring semester and 2016 summer session for removal of “incomplete” grades.
December 9, Friday
Last day of classes.
Last day for faculty to turn in removal of “incomplete” grades for 2016 spring semester and
2016 summer session to the Office of the Registrar.
December 10-16, Saturday-Friday
Final Examinations.
December 16, Friday
Residence halls close. Dining Services close and fall meal plans end at 2 p.m.
Deadline for completion of course work for December graduates.
December 17, Saturday
Commencement begins at 10 a.m.in the Convocation Center.
Residence halls close for graduating seniors.
December 19, Monday
Regular semester and Second Block course grades due in the Office of the Registrar by 3 p.m.
Spring Semester
Spring Semester 2017
January 8, Sunday
Residence halls open.
Spring meal plans begin and Dining Services open at 5 p.m.
January 9, Monday
Classes meet as scheduled.
January 16, Monday
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Classes do not meet.
January 27, Friday
Last day to withdraw from the university with cancellation of tuition charges and refund.
February 7, Tuesday
Student Assessment/Faculty Assistance (No classes. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Evening classes (those beginning 4 p.m. or later) meet as scheduled.
February 28, Tuesday
Third Block courses end.
March 3, Friday
Mid-semester grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
Dining Services close at 2 p.m. Residence halls close.
March 6-10, Monday-Friday
Spring Break. Classes do not meet.
March 12, Sunday
Residence halls open. Dining Services open at 5 p.m.
March 13, Monday
Classes resume.
Fourth Block courses begin.
March 14, Tuesday
Third Block course grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
March 17, Friday
James Madison Day
March 20, Monday
Advance registration for 2017 summer session begins.
April 3, Monday
Registration begins for 2017 fall semester.
April 13, Thursday
Last day for students to submit work to faculty for 2016 fall semester for removal of “incomplete” grades.
April 14, Friday
Last day to submit a graduation application if graduation requirements are to be met in December 2017.
April 27, Thursday
Last day of classes.
Last day for faculty to turn in removal of “incomplete” grades for 2016 fall semester to the Office of the Registrar.
April 28 - May 4, Friday-Thursday
Final Examinations. University housing checkout process.
May 4, Thursday
Residence halls close for undergraduate students.
Spring meal plans end and Dining Services close at 7 p.m.
Deadline for completion of course work for May graduates.
May 4-6 Thursday-Saturday
Commencement Ceremonies.
May 9, Tuesday
Regular Semester and Fourth Block course grades due in the Office of the Registrar by 3 p.m.
Summer Sessions
Summer 2017 Sessions (Undergraduate)
Ten-Week Term
May 15, Monday
Registration and fee payment.
Classes meet as scheduled
May 29, Monday
No classes. Holiday - Memorial Day
July 4, Tuesday
No classes. Holiday - Fourth of July
July 21, Friday
Final Examinations.
Deadline for completion of course work for summer graduates
Eight-Week Term
May 15, Monday
Registration and fee payment.
Classes meet as scheduled
May 29, Monday
No classes. Holiday - Memorial Day
July 4, Tuesday
No classes. Holiday - Fourth of July
July 7, Friday
Final Examinations.
July 21, Friday
Deadline for completion of course work for summer graduates
Six-Week Term
June 12, Monday
Registration and fee payment.
Classes meet as scheduled
July 4, Tuesday
No classes. Holiday - Fourth of July
July 21, Friday
Final Examinations.
Deadline for completion of course work for summer graduates
1st Four-Week Term
May 15, Monday
Registration and fee payment.
Classes meet as scheduled
May 29, Monday
No classes. Holiday - Memorial Day
June 9, Friday
Final Examinations.
July 21, Friday
Deadline for completion of course work for summer graduates
2nd Four-Week Term
June 12, Monday
Registration and fee payment.
Classes meet as scheduled
July 4, Tuesday
No classes. Holiday - Fourth of July
July 7, Friday
Final Examinations.
July 21, Friday
Deadline for completion of course work for summer graduates
Tentative Semesters
Tentative Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 Semesters
August 22-23, Tuesday-Wednesday
Residence halls open for freshmen on assigned days.
Dining Services open on Tuesday, August 25th and fall meal plans begin at 5 p.m. for freshmen.
August 25, Friday
Residence Halls open for transfer and international students.
August 26, Saturday
Residence halls open for returning students.
Fall meal plans begin at 10 a.m. for transfer and returning students.
August 28, Monday
Classes meet as scheduled.
December 15, Friday
Fall semester ends.
December 16, Saturday
January 8, Monday
Spring semester begins.
March 5-9, Monday – Friday
Spring Break
May 3, Thursday
Spring semester ends.
May 3-5, Thursday-Saturday
Commencement Ceremonies
Tentative Summer 2018 Semester
May 14, Monday
Classes meet as scheduled.
August 3, Friday
Last day of classes.