Feb 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Queer Studies Minor

Co-Coordinator: Dawn M. Goode
Phone: (540) 568-3754
Email: goodedm@jmu.edu 

Co-Coordinator: Kristen Kelley
Phone: (540) 568-2881
Email: kelle8km@jmu.edu


This is an 18-credit hour interdisciplinary program that focuses not only on LGBTQ+ experiences, histories and perspectives, but more broadly on the social production and regulation of sexuality and gender. Queer studies offers a critique of normative models of sex, gender and sexuality, arguing for the validity and significance of various marginalized identities and practices as well as identifying the mechanisms and structures of power fundamental to systemic oppression. Along with sexism, homophobia and transphobia, queer studies examines racism, capitalism, imperialism and ableism, among other forms of inequality. Students in the minor will acquire knowledge and skills that prepare them for careers in advocacy, communications, health and social services, and education. Students are limited to no more than nine (9) credits in a single discipline. 

Required Course: 3 Credit Hours

Elective Courses: 9 Credit Hours

Choose three of the following:

No more than nine total credits may be taken in a single discipline for this minor.

Total: 18 Credit Hours


1 Final project must pertain to queer topic or apply queer methodology.
2 QUST special topics course. Can be repeated once for credit if topic changes. Only one will count toward the core requirement; the second will count toward required electives. 
3 When pertaining to queer topics/approaches, it may count towards minor. Contact minor advisor for approval.

May be repeated as topic varies (LAXC 252  is not repeatable). 
5 Can be taken for this category if not already taken in the “select two” from the previous category.