Jan 15, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Social Studies Minor
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Co-Coordinator: Alison Sandman
Phone: (540) 568-6182
Email: sandmaad@jmu.edu
Co-Coordinator: John W. Hulsey
Phone: (540) 568-7854
Email: hulseyjw@jmu.edu
Website: http://www.jmu.edu/history/iss.shtml
The social studies minor offers a program of integrated study that exposes students to diverse methodologies, philosophies and controversies that define the social sciences. It is a required minor for secondary education students who wish to teach social studies and suggested for those planning to teach middle school. The minor incorporates economics, geography, history and political science and is offered in three forms: one for secondary education with a history major, one for secondary education with a political science major and one for middle education. Students not selecting the secondary education licensure program should declare the middle education form of the minor.
Degree Requirements
Credit Hours |
General Education 1 |
41 |
Foreign Language classes (intermediate level required) 2 |
0-14 |
Philosophy course (in addition to General Education courses) |
3 |
Major requirements |
33-34 |
Minor requirements (listed below) |
23-26 |
1 The General Education program contains a set of requirements each student must fulfill. Some requirements may be fulfilled by courses within the major or minor.
2 The foreign language requirement may be satisfied by successful completion of the second semester of the intermediate level of the student’s chosen language (typically 232), or by placing out of that language through the Department of World Languages and Cultures placement test.
Degree Requirements
Credit Hours |
General Education 1 |
41 |
Foreign Language classes (intermediate level required) 2 |
0-14 |
Philosophy course (in addition to General Education courses) |
3 |
Major requirements |
39 |
Minor requirements (listed below) |
26 |
1 The General Education program contains a set of requirements each student must fulfill. Some requirements may be fulfilled by courses within the major or minor.
2 The foreign language requirement may be satisfied by successful completion of the second semester of the intermediate level of the student’s chosen language (typically 232), or by placing out of that language through the Department of World Languages and Cultures ’ placement test.
Social Studies Minor Requirements
To be licensed to teach secondary school social studies, the student must satisfactorily complete requirements for a baccalaureate degree in either history or political science and complete the SS minor that is paired with that major. Social Studies Minor for History Majors
History Majors in Four-year Program
Social Studies Minor Core:14 Credit Hours
1 For four-year program: MSSE 412 and HIST 357 spring junior year double count in history and SS.
2 For five-year program: MSSE 412 and POSC 457 fall senior year count in SS only.
Government and Politics Requirement: 6 Credit Hours
African American History Requirement
African American history is now a state licensure requirement for everyone licensed to teach social studies graduating after May 2023. Therefore all students in this program need to complete a course in African American history and culture.
These courses may double-count for this requirement and other select requirements.
History Majors in Five-year Program
Social Studies Minor Core: 14 Credit Hours
1 For four-year program: MSSE 412 and HIST 357 spring junior year double count in history and SS.
2 For five-year program: MSSE 412 and POSC 457 fall senior year count in SS only.
Government and Politics Requirement: 9 Credit Hours
African American History Requirement
African American history is now a state licensure requirement for everyone licensed to teach social studies graduating after May 2023. Therefore all students in this program need to complete a course in African American history and culture.
These courses may double-count for this requirement and other select requirements.
Social Studies Minor for Political Science Majors
HIST 225 must be completed for General Education credit. Political Science Majors in Five-year Program
Social Studies Minor Core: 14 Credit Hours
1 For four year program: MSSE 412 and POSC 457 spring junior year double count in political science and SS.
2 For five year program: MSSE 412 and POSC 457 fall senior year count in SS only.
3 May double-count for General Education credit.
Choose one. Thinking Geographically: 3 Credit Hours
Choose one. Virginia History requirement: 3 Credit Hours
African American History Requirement
African American history is now a state licensure requirement for everyone licensed to teach social studies graduating after May 2023. Therefore all students in this program need to complete a course in African American history and culture.
These courses may double-count for this requirement and other select requirements.
Choose one. Connected History Courses: 3 Credit Hours
Social Studies Minor for Middle Education
Required Courses: 10 Credit Hours
Choose one. Pre-modern World History course: 3 Credit Hours
Choose one. Virginia History Requirement: 3 Credit Hours
Choose one. Thinking with Geography and Economics: 3 Credit Hours
African American History Requirement
African American history is now a state licensure requirement for everyone licensed to teach social studies graduating after May 2023. Therefore all students in this program need to complete a course in African American history and culture.
These courses may double-count for this requirement and other select requirements. It can count as one of the social studies elective courses.
Two Social Studies electives: 6-7 Credit Hours
The social studies electives requirement will be waived for students who have declared two content areas for the Middle Education major. The course that fulfills the African American history requirement can also count towards this requirement.
See advisor for this requirement. Generally, courses in HIST/POSC/SOC/ANTH/GEOG/ECON/IDLS offered at the 200-400 level will be approved for this requirement.
Total: 28-29 Credit Hours
Total: 120 Credit Hours (includes accompanying major)
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