Mar 30, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Art, Industrial Design Major, B.S.

Program Description

Coordinator: Kevin Phaup
Phone: (540) 568-4025

The Bachelor of Science degree in Art with a major in industrial design is an accredited professional program with an interdisciplinary, user-centered approach. Program objectives for industrial design students are to:

  • Employ diverse creative problem-finding skills.
  • Utilize design theory and research to understand user culture, context, and requirements.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of industry practices, conceptualization skills, and problem-solving.
  • Design and articulate complex solutions that are aesthetically and culturally appropriate, effective, and efficient.
  • Exhibit proficiency in both traditional and digital ways of making.
  • Critique and contextualize designs to cultivate ideas and meaningful solutions.
  • Create a professional industrial design portfolio reflective of one’s knowledge and abilities that encompass current expectations in the professional practice of industrial design.

The industrial design program objectives are enhanced by frequent field trips to design events, guest speakers, workshops, and internship opportunities. Design students have an opportunity to engage with design leaders in the field through field trips, events and participation in a professional design organization.

Admissions Requirements

Architectural Design, Art Studio, Graphic Design and Industrial Design Majors

All prospective freshmen, transfer and change of major students intending to major in architectural design, graphic design or studio art must meet JMU admission requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog. In addition to meeting JMU admission requirements, all students seeking the BFA with a major in architectural design, art studio or graphic design, or the BS with a major in industrial design are required to submit a portfolio to the school’s SlideRoom account ( The submission of a portfolio is optional for students seeking the BA and BS with a major in art studio. All students, regardless of degree type, who wish to be considered for a scholarship must submit a portfolio to SlideRoom. The submission of a portfolio is seen as evidence of a student’s interest and potential for future success in art. The deadline for submitting portfolios to SADAH’s SlideRoom site can be found on the School’s Portfolio page. There is a $10 charge for this submission.

Transfer and Change of Major Students

Transfer and change of major students seeking the BFA with a major in architectural design, art studio, or graphic design or the BS with a major in industrial design are required to submit a portfolio and also need to upload unofficial transcripts and a statement of intent to the school’s SlideRoom account that explains their educational and artistic goals, articulating the reasons for choosing this area of study.

On-Campus Portfolio Feedback Days and Scholarships

All students who would like to be considered for scholarships are required to attend one of the on-campus or virtual portfolio feedback days. Students will show their original art and participate in a faculty interview. If time-based media examples (video and animation) are included, students will need to bring their own digital device for presentation purposes. Refer to the SADAH website for the dates of the upcoming portfolio feedback days and for additional portfolio requirements. All scholarship awards are based on merit and vary in amount. Tours of facilities and program information sessions will take place at on-campus events.

Off-Campus Portfolio Feedback Days

The SADAH also offers students the opportunity for faculty critiques on their portfolio, prior to their digital submission and before an on-campus or virtual portfolio scholarship interview. The off-campus portfolio feedback events provide an opportunity for students to meet SADAH’s faculty. All prospective first-year, transfer and change of major students are strongly encouraged to attend a portfolio feedback day, on or off campus, prior to submitting their portfolio.

Industrial Design

Students seeking acceptance into the advanced industrial design courses must enroll in INDU 208 and submit a portfolio representing work comprised of projects completed in INDU 200INDU 202GRPH 101 , INDU 220INDU 380 and independent design related work. Students not admitted may reapply one time.

Admission to the industrial design major is selective and competitive for a limited number of reserved seats in upper-division (300-400 level) industrial design courses. Declaration of industrial design as a major and completion of lower-division (100-200) prerequisite art and design courses does not guarantee admission into the program. Admission to upper-division INDU courses is based on completion of all prerequisite art courses and merit as determined by faculty review of portfolios submitted in satisfaction of the course INDU 208. Portfolio Review .

INDU 208  is a 0 credit, pass/fail course that functions as a prerequisite to enrollment in 300-400 level industrial design advanced studio courses. Students should enroll in INDU 208  during the semester in which they are enrolled in INDU 202 INDU 208  portfolios are reviewed during the spring semester (February) prior to pre-registration. Students should contact the area coordinator of industrial design to determine the exact time and location for the INDU 208 portfolio review.

INDU 200  and INDU 202  are restricted to BS of ID majors who have passed ART 102 , 104  and 106  only, and students are restricted from taking any 300-400 level industrial design advanced studio courses until INDU 208  has been taken and passed.

Accepted students who receive a passing grade for INDU 208  will be able to register for INDU upper division advanced studio courses for the following semester. Students not accepted will have one opportunity to reapply the following spring semester or may choose to continue in another major within the SADAH. 

Degree and Major Requirements

Degree Requirements Credit Hours
General Education  requirements 1 41
Quantitative requirement (in addition to General Education  courses) 3
Scientific Literacy requirement (in addition to General Education  courses) 3
Major requirements (listed below)




Note: Students can double count one course, reducing the total credit hours to 122.

Major Requirements

The industrial design major requires 78 credit hours in art, art history and art-related courses. Of these hours, 42 credits must be in INDU courses, some of which may fulfill the B.S. Natural/Social Science requirement.


1 The General Education  program contains a set of requirements each student must fulfill. Some credits may be fulfilled by courses required within the major.

Required Courses

Foundation Courses (9 credits)

Art & Design Electives (6 credits)

Art and design electives may include studio-based courses from industrial design, graphic design, architectural design, studio, studio assistantships and internships. Excludes courses taken to fulfill the concentration courses, advanced studios, and art and design history.**


**Also excludes ART 200 , 205 , 304  and 305  


Interdisciplinary Electives (9 Credit Hours Total)

Engineering and Technology (choose one)

Students selecting ENGR electives must have approval from the course instructor and the INDU adviser.

Total: 78 Credit Hours

Recommended Schedule for Majors

First Year

Total: 30 Credit Hours

Total: 33 Credit Hours

Third Year

  • General Education  Credits: 9.00 
  • Scientific Literacy Credits: 3.00 
  • Advanced Studio Credits: 6.00 
  • Advanced Studio Credits: 6.00 
  • Art and Design Elective Credits: 3.00 
  • Credits: 3.00

Total: 30 Credit Hours

Fourth Year

  • Advanced Studio 6 Credit Hours
  • Advanced Studio 6 Credit Hours
  • Art and Design Electives 3 Credit Hours
  • General Education  9 Credit Hours
  • Interdisciplinary Elective 6 Credit Hours

Total: 30 Credit Hours

Program Total: 125 Credit Hours