2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
WRTC 496. Capstone in Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication 3.00 Capstone experience in which students reflect on their course work in the major with the aim of articulating how the major has broadened and deepened their understanding of the theories and practices of written communication and rhetoric as they apply to academic and professional contexts; demonstrating how WRTC student learning objectives tie together to inform their academic and professional work; and articulating short-term and long-term career goals. Students participate in seminar-style discussions, compose a personal philosophy of writing/editing/design through analysis of the work they have created in the major, and create a professional digital portfolio containing their strongest work from WRTC courses, internships and professional positions that are most representative of their career goals.
Prerequisite: WRTC 495. Internship in Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication WRTC 200, WRTC 201, WRTC 300, WRTC 301 and senior standing, or permission of the instructor.