Christine Robinson, Coordinator
Phone: (540) 568-5958
The minor in social justice studies is administered by the Department of Justice Studies.
The minor is open to all undergraduate students at James Madison University except Justice Studies majors whose concentration area is Social Justice Engagement. The requirement for completing the minor is 18 credits. Students should allow a minimum of four semesters in which to complete the minor.
Students will complete one required introductory course (from two options) and then select five additional electives. No more than two courses may be double counted in the minor from a student’s major/minor. The Department of Justice Studies will waive the prerequisite (JUST 200 ) for SJS minors whose major is not Justice Studies.
The cross-disciplinary minor in Social Justice Studies fosters educated and enlightened citizenship through a foundational curriculum designed for students who are engaged in social justice endeavors and/or preparing for careers and advanced professional or graduate work in relevant fields.
This minor is designed to:
- introduce students to the cross-disciplinary field of social justice, focusing on understanding, analyzing and evaluating scholarship on the origins, persistence and nature of oppression; social justice theories; and diverse, exemplar models of social justice praxis
- provide a curriculum where students may pursue their own topical interests in social justice studies and apply/further their knowledge and skills in social justice studies
- support students’ success and resiliency in social justice endeavors (civic or professional)