Concentration IV: American Chemical Society Certified Curriculum in Chemical Education
All ACS Certified Programs require a minimum of 400 hours of laboratory and research. Students completing concentration IV must complete the courses below in addition to core courses.
Teaching Licensure
Students interested in becoming teachers must meet specific curriculum requirements in their major as part of the undergraduate academic degree. Chemistry majors must also complete a course in biology and a course in geology.
In addition to the general education and academic major requirements, chemistry majors desiring secondary teacher licensure must be admitted to teacher education, complete the pre-professional program in secondary education at the undergraduate level and the graduate level Master of Arts in Teaching degree.
It is critical that students seeking licensure consult regularly with both their education adviser and their major adviser to support their progression through the programs. For a full description of the program in secondary teaching, refer to the Department of Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education , in addition to the College of Education /Professional Education Unit section of the catalog.