The fifth year MAT program is a continuation of the undergraduate, pre-professional program in Special Education or Inclusive Early Childhood Education. Alternative criteria to GRE are used for admission to the 5th year M.A.T. programs. In addition, applicants must submit two letters of recommendation (from a cooperating teacher and/or professional who can attest to professional dispositions).
Inclusive Early Childhood Education Program
The inclusive early childhood program draws heavily from research and theories in child development, family systems, special education, differentiated teaching and learning. Through course work and extensive field experiences, the teacher candidate is prepared to design activities that have an interdisciplinary focus, reflect an understanding of the individual child’s development and learning, recognize the importance of family and developmental influences, support the young child in constructing knowledge about self and the world, and involve parents in supporting the child’s growth and development.
The Master of Arts in teaching (M.A.T.) program in inclusive early childhood education is a continuation of the undergraduate IECE program. For more information, see