Feb 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education

Dr. Mark L’Esperance, Dean

Dr. Bryan S. Zugelder, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Partnerships

Dr. Amy D.Thelk, Assistant Dean for Assessment, Accreditation, and Accountability

Dr. Dara Hall, Executive Director of Teacher Education and Student Success

Dr. John Almarode, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning

Ms. Pat Kennedy, Director of Young Children’s Program

Phone: (540) 568-6572
MSC: 6907
Location: Memorial Hall, Suite 3175
Website: http://www.jmu.edu/coe

Academic Units

Early, Elementary and Reading Education, Department of  
Dr. Joy Myers, Interim Head

Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities, Department of  
Dr. Danette Bronaugh, Interim Head

Learning, Technology and Leadership Education, Department of  
Dr. Diane Wilcox, Head

Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education, Department of  
Dr. Katie Dredger, Head

Military Science, Department of  
Lt. Col. Michael Davidson, Head

Mission Statement

The mission of the James Madison University College of Education is to prepare educated and enlightened individuals who can skillfully contribute to the common good of society and who can enter competently into positions of teaching and educational leadership, civic responsibility and national service. The personal and professional development of students is accomplished by emphasizing excellence and continuous innovation in quality undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. The College of Education is distinguished through faculty and student achievements, academic rigor, excellence in teaching, student and faculty interactions and relationships, technological innovations and national recognitions. The college maintains relevance through active and growing interactions with other colleges within the university and with local, state, regional, national and international communities. The college is committed to providing:

  • Undergraduate programs that are composed of or complemented by strong liberal arts preparation, in-depth specialty studies and opportunities for students to develop professional knowledge and skills.
  • Graduate programs that support initial teacher licensure emphasizing advanced knowledge in a specialty area and the development of effective leadership and professional skills for addressing the needs of a changing society.
  • Continuing professional development and in-service programs in cooperation with public and private schools and agencies, other colleges, institutions and businesses.

The undergraduate and graduate educator preparation programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparatiom and approved by the Virginia State Board of Education.

The basic philosophy of the college is reflected in these goals:

  • To educate individuals for the multiple professions included in the college at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, not merely by transmitting skills and knowledge but by stimulating creativity, developing cognitive abilities and encouraging the testing of hypotheses and reinterpretation of the human experience.
  • To encourage a balanced faculty orientation toward teaching, research, scholarship, community service and professionalism that recognizes individual strengths and preferences of the college’s faculty.
  • To create an environment that fosters an atmosphere of open communication among students, faculty members and community.
  • To anticipate societal needs and provide necessary resources for implementing effective off-campus programs now and in the future.

The college has undergraduate and graduate programs that are designed to lead to majors and minors in pre-professional education, initial teacher licensure, advanced programs for teachers, educational leadership, educational technology, adult education, human resource development and military science.

The college is organized into five departments:

Programs and Licensure

The College of Education offers undergraduate majors, minors, and pre-professional education programs across a range of concentrations in both teaching and non-teaching areas. Want to teach at the early childhood, elementary, middle or secondary level? How about special education? Ready to teach English to speakers of other languages? JMU has programs especially for you. Majors in education lead to a Bachelor of Science that has been specially designed to meet a vital nationwide need for trained and committed teachers. To ensure that you gain the skills needed for this challenging profession, education majors may require additional content, such as a second major, a minor, or an area of emphasis. Students must apply after meeting program admission requirements. Please see www.jmu.edu/coe/academics.shtml for details. Your academic adviser will provide you with more information at Springboard.


Students who wish to pursue a teacher educatio program of study are required to declare the appropriate major and complimentary areas as listed below. Students should apply to the specific teacher licensure program their first semester at JMU or as soon as possible. Consult your adviser and http://www.jmu.edu/coe/academics.shtml for details.

Licensure Area Education Major Additional Requirements
Art (PreK-12) Studio Art, Design and Art History  
Dance (PreK-12) Dance  
Elementary Education (PreK-6) Elementary Education Liberal Studies minor
Foreign Language (PreK-12) Modern Foreign Languages  
Health and Physical Education (PreK-12) Kinesiology  
Inclusive Early Childhood Education (PreK-3 and Special Education birth-age 5) Inclusive Early Childhood Education  
Middle Education Middle Grades Education One or two concentration areas required: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
Music Education (PreK-12) Music (concentration in Instrumental or Vocal)  
Secondary Education (6-12) Secondary Education and Content Major (double major) OR Content Major and Minor in Pre-professional Secondary Education Content Major options: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, English, History, Mathematics, Physics or Political Science
Special Education (K-12) Special Education (concentration in general or adapted) Minor chosen from selected areas
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PreK-12) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Minor chosen from selected areas
Theatre Education (PreK-12) Theatre  


The College of Education offers the following undergraduate minors:

  • Educational Media
  • Human Resource Development
  • Military Leadership
  • Exceptional Education – Non Teaching
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) - Non Teaching

The following endorsements are also available:

  • Algebra I
  • Gifted Education
  • Journalism

Undergraduate students pursuing licensure to teach by completion of graduate M.A.T. programs should:

  • Meet requirements indicated by the respective program prior to submitting an application to The Graduate School.
  • Apply for admission to The Graduate School according to program deadlines.
  • Complete all pre-professional studies requirements before enrolling in graduate courses in education.
  • See the JMU Graduate Catalog for more information on the requirements for the M.A.T. and the M.Ed. degrees and for teacher licensure in the identified areas.

Professional Education Unit

The mission of the James Madison University professional education unit is to prepare caring, knowledgeable, skilled and reflective educators who believe that all students can learn and succeed. Our candidates and faculty are committed to lifelong learning and aspire to meet educational needs in a changing, pluralistic and democratic society. The personal and professional development of candidates is accomplished by emphasizing excellence and continuous innovation in quality undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

The Professional Education Unit is comprised of all programs across the university designed to lead to licensure or advanced study in education.

The initial teacher licensure programs of the unit include:

  • Art Education
  • Dance Education
  • Inclusive Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education)
  • Elementary Education
  • Foreign Language Education
  • Middle School Education
  • Music Education
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Secondary Education1
  • Special Education K-12 General Curriculum
  • Special Education, Birth-Age 5 (ECSE)
  • Special Education K-12 Adapted Curriculum
  • Special Education: Visual Impairments
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  • Theater Education

1 Secondary education licensure programs include biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics, English, mathematics, history and social sciences.

These initial licensure programs are offered at the undergraduate level:

  • Art Education
  • Dance Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Foreign Language
  • Inclusive Early Childhood Education
  • Middle School Education
  • Music Education
  • Secondary Education1
  • Special Education K-12: Adapted Curriculum
  • Special Education K-12: General Curriculum
  • Theater Education

These initial licensure programs are offered at the graduate level for those having baccalaureate degrees:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Inclusive Early Childhood Education
  • Middle School Education
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Secondary Education1
  • Special Education: Birth-Age 5 (ECSE)
  • Special Education K-12: Adapted Curriculum
  • Special Education K-12: General Curriculum
  • Special Education: Visual Impairments

1 Secondary education licensure programs include Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, Mathematics, History and Social Sciences.

Advanced programs are offered at the graduate level for licensed teachers or other school personnel:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Educational Technology
  • Master of Music
  • Master of Arts: Art Education
  • Master of Education: Equity & Cultural Diversity
  • Master of Education: Special Education
  • Master of Education: Teacher Leadership
  • Mathematics
  • Reading Education
  • School Counseling
  • School Psychology

Professional Education Coordinating Council

The Professional Education Coordinating Council (PECC) is the official governing body within the university responsible for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel. The membership of the PECC includes the coordinators or representatives of all initial licensure and advanced study programs in education, a representative from the IDLS major, the director of assessment and the directors of the Education Support Center and the Educational Technology and Media Center. The Dean of the College of Education serves ex officio as head of the Professional Education Unit. The Dean of the College of Education, or designee, serves as the chair of PECC.  The Professional Education Handbook outlines all PECC policies and is found on the Education Support Center homepage at www.jmu.edu/coe/esc

Teacher Education Conceptual Framework

The JMU conceptual framework is a guiding set of principles, beliefs and concepts that provide a basis for designing, implementing, monitoring, assessing and changing programs that prepare teachers and other educators who work closely with children and others in school settings. The overarching purpose, therefore, is to produce resilient, effective educational professionals for a dynamic and changing society.

The JMU Conceptual Framework is grounded in the best of what we know about learning, teaching, and development, and is further based on a moral mission; that is, the work of teachers affects the lives of human beings. In a human sense, it makes a difference in people’s lives; in a larger sense, education contributes to societal development and democracy.

The conceptual framework reflects our recognition that teaching is a complex and difficult task, requiring a significant degree of education, preparation and experiences in order to meet the learning needs of all children, regardless of age, culture, condition or ability.

The programs at JMU rely on collaborative partnerships with schools and other community agencies, strong field-based teacher development, a continuum of skills development and reflective professional practice.

Program completers, therefore, should be skilled and adept in a set of competencies that are based on the propositions found in the Conceptual Framework. Those competencies include demonstrating:

  • Certain personal qualities and dispositions reflective of a professional educator.
  • Deep understanding of the content to be taught and ways to effectively teach the content.
  • An understanding of the impact of research on learning and development and how culture influences development.
  • An understanding of how students differ in approaches to learning and creating instructional opportunities for diverse learners.
  • Skill in effective planning for learning.
  • Skill in a wide variety of instructional strategies and technologies.
  • Skill at creating positive, effective learning environments.
  • The use of effective verbal, non-verbal and media techniques that foster inquiry, collaboration and positive interactions.
  • Skill in a variety of effective assessment techniques.
  • The ability to reflect on practice, adjust teaching methods and techniques, and seek professional growth.
  • Skill in developing positive relationships with parents, colleagues and families.

Education Support Center

Dr. Dara Hall, Executive Director
Website: http://www.jmu.edu/coe/esc

The Education Support Center (ESC) has four major responsibilities for assisting students with their pursuit of a teaching license:

  • monitor admission to, and retention in, the professional education program;
  • coordinate field experiences for all programs;
  • approve applications for Virginia Licensure; and
  • serve as the center for information about professional education programs.

Information and application materials for admission to teacher education, appeals, registration and preparation for entry assessments, student teaching and licensure are available on the ESC website. Also provided is information regarding costs associated with required tests and subscriptions to Tk20.

Admission to Teacher Education

Candidates who want to pursue a course of study leading to the initial Virginia teaching license must be admitted to the teacher education program. Admission is a prerequisite to most education courses; candidates not admitted to teacher education will be blocked from registering for those courses.

Admission Criteria

Criteria Four and Five Year
Initial Programs
Graduate Initial Programs
Approved major and declared pre-professional teaching program X  
Two satisfactory professional references X X
Grades of “C” or better in X X
Entry Assessments – standardized reading, writing and math assessments: Virginia Communications and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) and Praxis Core Mathematics Academic Skills for Educators Tests (or SAT or ACT exemption for the math assessment) X X
Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) certificate X X
Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher X X
First Aid/CPR/AED certificate X X
No record of felony conviction or misdemeanors involving children or drugs or founded complaint of child abuse or neglect X X
Purchase and subscription to Tk20 X X
Specific program requirements* X X

*Consult the program area coordinator for specific information related to any additional requirements for acceptance into their programs.


Freshmen generally apply to Teacher Education by April 15th of their freshmen year and complete all admission requirements by the following semester.

Transfer, post-baccalaureate and graduate candidates should apply during their first term of enrollment at JMU. Students must complete all requirements for admission into teacher education programs in order to enroll in required education courses.  A full schedule of application and admission deadlines can be found on the ESC website.

Students can check the status of their admission to the teacher education program on their Tk20 account.

Field Experiences

Field experiences (including practica and internships) are required for candidates in all programs of the professional education unit. The number and nature of these experiences may differ based on program structure and candidates’ individual needs and/or goals. Transportation and other arrangements for the practicum and internship courses/experiences will be the candidate’s responsibility.

Student Teaching

Student teaching is required as an integral part of the sequence of professional experiences in all teacher education programs.

Its purpose is to enable pre-service teachers to apply acquired skills, understandings and attitudes in PreK-12 classrooms or comprehensive child development programs. Each individual licensure program determines the length of its particular student teaching experience.

The Education Support Center coordinates the student teaching program with participating school divisions, assigning all candidates to their student teaching sites and assisting in the planning and supervision of their work. Experienced teachers serve as cooperating teachers who coach and mentor the student teachers in their classrooms. University supervisors have the major responsibility for the supervision and evaluation of student teachers. Student teaching is graded on a credit/no-credit basis.

Candidates must student teach in the area for which they are seeking licensure or endorsement. A candidate enrolled in multiple teacher licensure programs must complete a student teaching experience in each area.

Student teaching placements are made in accredited Virginia public schools, but may be made within accredited Virginia private schools, programs and agencies.

Most placements are made within approximately one hour’s driving distance from campus. Some programs also place students in northern Virginia, Richmond, Tidewater and Roanoke. Other local and non-local placement sites may be assigned in accordance with individual program and/or student needs. All placements are based on availability and efficiency of appropriate supervision. Student teaching is a full-time experience. Permission to take additional course work other than that required by the program will be made only in exceptional cases. Student teachers should not expect to work or participate in excessive extracurricular activities during student teaching. Students with problems and/or special needs must contact the director of the ESC for prior approval.

Opportunities exist for qualified candidates to complete a portion of their student teaching at international locations. Those interested in pursuing this option must meet additional requirements and have permission of their programs at time of application to student teach. Refer to the ESC website for additional information.

Student Teaching Criteria

To be approved for student teaching, all candidates must:

  • Complete (prior to acceptance) all stated requirements for admission to teacher education.
  • Attend a mandatory student teaching information session and apply for student teaching.
  • Complete all course work, assessments and stated requirements prior to student teaching.
  • Submit a recommendation for student teaching by their licensure program.
  • Meet any additional admission and retention standards of their academic department or school.
  • Submit paperwork to show that the student is free from exposure to communicable tuberculosis.

Professional behaviors are expected of all candidates throughout the program. School divisions routinely require a background check prior to student teaching. Convictions for criminal offenses or charges pending may result in schools refusing to make a placement for practicum or student teaching. There may also be serious consequences when being considered for a license to teach in Virginia and in other states. Therefore, students are required to inform the Education Support Center in writing of any conviction or pending charges for a felony, violation of a criminal drug law, an alcohol beverage control law or law that governs driving while intoxicated. Notification should be made within five calendar days after such charge or conviction.

Application Deadlines

Student teaching applications are accepted during the fall semester for the next academic year. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all application requirements and deadlines.

Teacher Education Licensure

Candidates should apply for a Virginia teaching license upon completion of a teacher education program; this license is not issued automatically. Virginia licensure requirements include the following assessments:

  • Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) for all licensure areas.
  • Praxis II Subject Assessment Tests for most licensure areas.
  • Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE) for selected programs.

In addition, all candidates shall provide evidence certification or training in emergency first aid, CPR (including hands-on practice) and the use of AED, as well as Dyslexia training.

Licensure Criteria

A statement indicating completion of an approved teacher education program will be entered on the candidate’s transcript after:

  • education requirements have been met, including a cumulative 2.5 GPA for undergraduates and a 3.0 for graduates;
  • degree is awarded; and
  • scores (sufficient for subject area) on all state mandated assessments are achieved.

Out-of-State Licensure

It is recommended that candidates applying for out-of-state licenses first obtain the Virginia license. Out-of-state licensure requirements and application forms must be obtained directly from the desired state agencies. Other states may have additional testing and GPA requirements the applicant must meet.

Educational Technology and Media Center

Phone: (540) 568-6302
Website: http://www.jmu.edu/coe/etmc

The primary goal of the Educational Technology and Media Center (ETMC) is to support students, faculty and staff in their effective use of technologies for learning. This goal is achieved through access, instruction and promotion of educational technologies available within the center. ETMC houses more than 5,000 items including K-12 textbooks, DVDs and videotapes, software, and a variety of other instructional resources. The center houses the children and youth literature collection of James Madison University totaling more than 15,000 volumes.

Computers throughout the facility allow students to work with computer-assisted instruction, web page creation, word processing, digital images, analog and digital video, page layout, data analysis and the creation of multi-media computer presentations. The growing capabilities in instructional technology are evident in this center where interactive video conferencing, video-streaming and other newly emerging technologies expand the potential for learning in multiple environments. Faculty also have access to mobile carts housing laptops, iPads and other mobile device technologies for use in their instructional practice.

For students desiring licensure in Virginia’s schools, ETMC provides opportunities to learn and use many forms of instructional technology. ETMC has a range of production facilities including traditional media, audio and video editing areas, and digital technologies that enable students and faculty to produce a wide variety of instructional materials. College of Education students may also check out digital cameras, camcorders, audio recorders, iPads and laptop computers for their instructional practice.